Pubs and restaurants should have flexibility on two-metre rule, says former Tory leader
On March 23, Mr Johnson ordered pubs to close, and reopening them will not be considered until the final phase of his plan to end lockdown.
This third phase is unlikely before July and covers activities and businesses primarily in the hospitality industry that scientific advisers say are likely to increase the ‘R’ reproductive rate of the virus.
Restaurants have been turning to offering takeaway food, but in reality July will be the earliest and most likely reopening date, and only for those with outdoor seating. Ministers do not expect any pubs to open during July.
Hotels have been closed since the lockdown began, but will be allowed to reopen safely before pubs.
Kitchen workers will be told to have minimum interaction with other workers, and access to walk-in pantries, fridges and freezers should be restricted to one person at a time.
Bar areas in hotels will have to stay closed along with seated restaurants and cafes, and hotels should consider offering guests a “grab and go” meal service or room service for food and drink. Staff should, where possible, talk to guests via the phone, email or guest apps.
When they do open their doors, they will also have to stagger check-in and check-out times in order to avoid crowding at reception.