Men produce more antibodies and could hold key to coronavirus fight, research finds
Professor David Roberts, associate director for blood donation at NHSBT, said: “We’d still like to hear from anybody who had coronavirus or the symptoms. More plasma donors are needed.
“But we’d especially want to hear from men. We test every plasma donation and men have higher antibody levels, which means we’re more likely to be able to use their plasma to save lives.
“Initially, your immune system will try and fight off a virus with white blood cells. If you become more ill, your immune system needs to produce more antibodies that neutralise or kill the virus.
“Our studies, and many others around the world, show men with Covid-19 are more likely to become seriously ill than women. This makes them better plasma donors once they have recovered.”
Last week it was announced that anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 through the national testing programme will be asked to join a blood plasma trial.
NHSBT said people confirmed with the virus through Test and Trace will receive a text message three weeks after their result to see whether they are willing to donate plasma.
If the trial is successful, being treated with convalescent plasma could become widespread practice in hospitals.
- Anyone who has had coronavirus or the symptoms and is able to travel to a donor centre can offer to donate by calling 0300 123 23 23 or visiting