Cleaning Your Night Guard: Understand the Steps

Night guards can be a useful tool for shielding your teeth from the damaging effects of clenching or grinding. It’s crucial to take good care of your night guard now that you have one so that for as long as possible, it can keep your teeth safe. Cleaning your night guard should be part of your everyday oral hygiene regimen. Your night guard should remain in excellent condition for many years to come if you follow these cleaning guidelines.
Rinse Right Away After Donning.
As soon as you take your nightguard out of your mouth after wearing it, you should rinse it with warm water. By doing this, any plaque that has adhered to the night guard will be loosened and debris will be removed.
Give the Night Guard A Little Brushing.
After you have rinsed your night guard, lightly brush it with your normal toothbrush. It’s acceptable to use the toothbrush you use to brush your teeth every day, while some people prefer to use a different toothbrush specifically for their night guard.
Place Your Night Guard on A Sanitized Surface
To stop bacteria from growing quickly, it’s crucial to let your night guard dry completely before storing it. Select a spotless, level area to let your night guard dry.
Keep Your Night Guard in Case at All Times.
You must keep your night guard in a case while not in use. A lot of individuals keep their night guard in their bathrooms, but the steam and moisture there might eventually cause the guard to distort. Instead, we advise you to keep the night guard on your nightstand or bedroom. Take caution not to keep your night guard in an area that experiences extremely high or low temperatures. Keep your night guards safely out of your pets’ reach because they adore new chew toys.
Give Your Night Guard A Thorough Cleaning.
Develop the practice of thoroughly cleaning your night guard at least once every month. There are various ways to accomplish this. A nonabrasive night guard cleaner that is sold over the counter is the first method. In a glass or bowl of water, place your night guard and allow the cleaner to completely dissolve in the liquid. Using a vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution is the second method for thoroughly cleaning your night guard. Soak the night guard in distilled white vinegar. Rinse the bowl and night guard with water after soaking. After that, let the night guard soak in hydrogen peroxide for a minimum of half an hour.
After you’re done, give the night guard a quick rinse with water and let it air dry. Never let your night guard soak in anything for more than an hour at a time. The material used to make your night guard may become damaged after prolonged exposure to liquid. Additionally, avoid soaking in any alcohol-containing liquid, such as Listerine.
Maintain A Clean Case
If you put a clean night guard in a dirty case, cleaning it will be a waste of time. Hand wash the case with castile soap or ordinary dishwashing soap every few days to keep it clean. The dishwasher’s high temperature could melt or distort the plastic, so don’t put the case in there. To stop bacteria from growing, let the case dry after cleaning.
Night guards are available in various forms, such as boil-and-bite, custom-fit, and over-the-counter models. To prevent possible gum and mouth infections as well as foul breath, it is imperative to clean and maintain your night guard every night. Your night guards will last longer, remain intact, fit properly, and stay germ-free if you take proper care of them. The longevity of night guards will vary based on several criteria. Although a night guard should last five years on average, it may need to be replaced in as little as one year, depending on wear.