Chocolate-Banana Mousse – The Sexy Beast Diet

Chocolate-Banana Mousse – The Sexy Beast Diet

Chocolate-Banana Mousse

     People eat bananas. Monkeys don’t.
     At least not in the wild.
     The bananas you find in the supermarket have been cultivated for human consumption. Bananas are harvested green, refrigerated, and, quite often, transported thousands of miles. Upon arrival in the destination country, they are placed in special, air-tight rooms and gassed.
     Yep, gassed.
     Ethylene gas is induced into the room to ripen the fruit. Without that step, the fruit would never fully ripen before becoming rotten.
     Bananas are a good source of potassium, vitamins B6 and C, and antioxidants. They also provide a healthy amount of fiber which helps to increase their Sexy Beast Diet satisfaction factor.
     Try this recipe to impress and delight the love in your life. (Kids love it, too.)

You’ll need:
4 medium ripe bananas
1¼  tbsp sugar (or the equivalent in your favorite artificial sweetener)
1½  tbsp cacao powder
12 fresh raspberries

Do this:
Using a blender or food processor, puree the bananas with the sugar and cacao powder until smooth.
Chill in the refrigerator from 30 minutes to overnight. Spoon into individual servings.
Garnish with raspberries and serve.

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