Your new face mask etiquette guide

It should be self-evident that for a mask to be of any use it needs to cover both the mouth and the nose. But, you may have noticed, not everyone has yet got the memo. 

As for what type to wear, there are various options. The World Health Organisation says a fabric mask acts as a barrier to prevent the spread of the virus but must be worn correctly and used in conjunction with other measures to protect yourself, such as hand-washing and avoiding touching your face. Home-made cloth coverings can also protect others, and can be cleaned and reused.

When was the last time your face mask met the inside of your washing machine? Well, experts recommend washing fabric masks or coverings following every use. You read that correctly.

With disposable masks, the clue is in the name: don’t reuse them (and also kindly don’t throw them on the ground after wearing). According to the Institute for Global Change, wearing disposable masks for a short time, such as during your commute or while shopping, protects others. But wear them for a long time and they risk becoming sodden and offer limited protection. 

Spectacles steaming up as a result of wearing your mask? Suggestions include wearing your glasses slightly further down your nose than usual and breathing downwards into the mask.


2. How not to wear it

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