What your personality type says about your health

There’s much to be said for being a friendly, sociable person but you might be surprised to know that a cheery disposition could help protect you from a heart attack. 

That’s according to new research published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. The study, from the University of Tennessee, found those with a “sarcastic, cynical, resentful, impatient or irritable” personality were more likely to die if they had a second heart attack. 

The study found that ‘hostile’ personality traits were an independent predictor for heart attack mortality even after adjusting for other factors such as sex, age, education, marital status, diabetes, high blood pressure, and smoking. 

In short, being grumpy doesn’t make you more likely to have further heart attacks after already having one, but it does make you more likely to die from them. 

“Hostility has been linked with cardiovascular disease since the 1950s, but we still don’t fully understand why,” said study author Dr. Tracey Vitori. “Our study shows that hostility is a common trait in heart attack survivors and is associated with poor outcomes. More research is needed on how this characteristic affects the body.”

But this isn’t the only way your personality might have an effect on your overall health. Here are a few others… 

Extroverts have stronger immune systems

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