‘Rule of six’ may be working, say scientists, as coronavirus spread decelerates
The React study has carried out five rounds of sampling, of up to 160,000 people each
The React study has carried out five rounds of sampling, of up to 160,000 people each
“He is concerned about families being kept apart and the knock-on effect that has, particularly
Writing for The Spectator with fellow researcher Tom Jefferson, he suggested the Government had panicked
Children in England should not be forced to adhere to the “rule of six” because
But he warns that the decision is “make or break” – with a two-metre rule in place,
Cutting the rule to one metre would “significantly safeguard jobs”, the trade body told The
For the new study, an international group of scientists analysed data from research into the
On March 23, Mr Johnson ordered pubs to close, and reopening them will not be