Antibody tests too unreliable to be used to judge coronavirus immunity levels, review finds
“These observations indicate important weaknesses in the evidence on Covid-19 serological tests, particularly those being
“These observations indicate important weaknesses in the evidence on Covid-19 serological tests, particularly those being
Jon Deeks, Professor of Biostatistics and head of the Test Evaluation Research Group at the
The experts writing in the BMJ also question the companies’ claims of accuracy due to
The pin-prick test is 99.4 per cent accurate, according to independent verification obtained by Avonchem,
“Once antibody testing is up and running we will be able to test those people
A coronavirus antibody test kit has been approved by Public Health England, The Telegraph has
Professor John Newton, the national coordinator of the UK Coronavirus Testing Programme, said: “We were
He said data from around five weeks ago suggested “something like a 10 per cent
A first coronavirus antibody test could be approved by Public Health England (PHE) this week,
Scientists are racing to manufacture an antibody test that can tell people whether they have