Discover the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating! – A Little Nutrition

ByFreeman Ptak

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Join us for a live webinar on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating! Your host, Susan Watson, RD, certified intuitive eating counsellor will be going over how you can apply intuitive eating to your life.

The 10 Principles are:

1. Reject the diet mentality.

2. Honor your hunger.

3. Make peace with food.

4. Challenge the food police.

5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor.

6. Feel Your Fullness.

7. Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness.

8. Respect your body.

9. Movement—Feel the Difference.

10. Honor your health with gentle nutrition.

Intuitive Eating Workshop Winnipeg

Who should attend this workshop?

This workshop is for anyone who has been struggling with their eating and is looking for a new, non-diet approach to health and nutrition.

Intuitive eating involves listening to internal signals of hunger and fullness guide eating, rather than external cues like calorie tracking apps, diets or meal plans. Eating intuitively might sound bizarre at first, especially for those who have dieted extensively. However, intuitive eating has a range of health benefits including lower rates of eating disorders, higher self-esteem and body image, improved mental health, better metabolism, and less stress and anxiety.

Think about your relationship with food for a moment.

-Do you feel stressed out, guilt or shame when it comes to eating?

-Do you know how to trust your body to make nourishing food choices that leave you feeling satisfied?

-Do you find yourself under eating only to end up overeating and feeling bad about yourself?

If this sounds like you, then attending this workshop should help shed some light on your eating and give you tools to help improve your relationship with food.

Register HERE!


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